#boucle unicorn
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nemorasenchantedeasl · 1 year ago
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On top of the Drawtober challenge that you guys saw each day, I also did the annual Drawlloween challenge that happens in the HARPG on DeviantArt every year~ First day was Spooky Forest, and I chose my spooky couple, Ghost in the Woods and Voice of the Forest!
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fallenbiscuit · 1 year ago
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Another Bouclé Unicorn I painted in 2018; sadly, I don't remember who it was for 😓
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draikinator · 3 months ago
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Redbubble | Youtube | Commissions
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correlance · 1 year ago
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Art of Alastor as a Boucle Unicorn with deer features that I commissioned back in 2020 from my best friend, Dana Veitinger, a professional artist, illustrator, and animator. Dana and I met years ago through HARPG (Horse Art Roleplaying Game) on DeviantART.
See below the cut for a full explanation on "Boucle Alastor", as well as more related art and design pieces by Dana V. and other artists.
Some background: From 2017 to 2022-2023, I was highly active in Boucle Unicorns, a fantasy equine D&D art and pen-and-paper roleplaying game. In the tradition of "ponifying" characters, as seen with the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (MLP: FiM), people who participated in Boucles created unicorn OCs, as well as variations of characters from other IPs in unicorn form. The group also revolves around breeding; specifically, using a breeding roller that took years for the group to create that auto-randomizes breeding rolls.
Now, normally, Boucle Unicorns look like your standard fantasy unicorns, with various mutations and variations that you could choose, such as lion manes, gemstone horns, etc. I initially joined the group in April 2017 due to the group offering a limited-edition Lapin mane, or bunny-ears-and-tail, for the month of Easter. However, in August 2017, the group introduced one of the biggest changes to the breed: Corrupted, a super-rare deformity that would turn your Boucle Unicorn into an eldritch abomination, or a "cursed" version, of itself.
To this end, one of the administrators, Tigglesaurus, introduced the first Corrupted: Doom, based on Sleipnir from Norse mythology. In order to get your own Corrupted, you had to breed a normal mare to Doom, and hope that, through chance, the breeding roller would roll for the foal to inherit the Corrupted deformity; that is, of course, if the breeding was successful. As many group users started breeding to Doom, the group made it harder to breed Corrupted foals, as the deformity was supposed to be rare. The rules were changed to this:
"Corruption is an incredibly rare group of birth defects, and their ways of expressing is largely unknown. It seem to warp the bodies and sometimes the minds of the Boucles, and while they do not have special magic types or abilities some seem to be prone to their magic backfiring. A Corrupted Boucle will always reflect the phenotype it has; for example, a Corrupted Muffet would have a spider theme! If an Ancients' Blessing [from the gods] is bestowed upon a Corrupted Boucle, the Corrupted [curse] is removed!"
Breeding Corrupteds:
All Boucles that inherit Corruption also roll for an extra defect, as well as any others inherited from the parents (i.e. blind, deaf, etc.).
Only 50% of breedings to normal Boucles succeed, as Corrupted Boucles quite often scare away their partners [due to their fearsome appearances], or are not very fertile. 
Breeding one Corrupted to another Corrupted has a 75% rate of a successful breeding.
Even if the breeding is successful between a Corrupted and a non-Corrupted, and a foal is produced, there is still only a 25% chance that they also inherit Corruption (50% chance if both parents are Corrupted).
If you breed a Blessed Boucle to a Corrupted Boucle, and it inherits both, the Blessing will cancel out ('heal') the corruption, [as the Boucle deities hate Corruption, and Corrupted Boucles].
I helped my friend, Dana, breed one of the first successful Corrupted offspring from Doom: Pennywise, based on Pennywise the Clown from Stephen King's IT. However, when the Hazbin Hotel pilot episode came out on YouTube on 28 October 2019, I decided that I wanted to try my hand at breeding Alastor the Radio Demon as a Corrupted Boucle into the Boucle Unicorns roleplaying game.
Now, for those familiar with Boucle Unicorns, and how their breeding roller works, this was an exceedingly difficult task, due to how inheritance works in the game. For one, the mutations needed to create "Boucle Alastor" could not simply be ported as a starter Boucle Unicorn into the game; you had to specifically breed a certain combination of mutations into a foal to get the result you desired. This means having to submit a breeding, and hoping that the "odds were ever in your favor" of you rolling all of the mutations you want.
On top of this, in order to breed a Corrupted foal, you had to breed a Corrupted Boucle to a normal Boucle, and hope that, one, the breeding didn't fail outright (50/50 odds of success/fail); two, that the breeding rolled each mutation that you wanted (50% chance of each for heterozygous); and three, that you also rolled the 25% chance of the foal inheriting the Corrupted defect from their parent.
Breeding Alastor into the game itself also took a lot of careful planning, and selecting a sire and dam who could pass the desired trait(s) to produce Alastor's genotype and phenotype. When I say that summoning Lucifer himself through a demonic summoning ritual would've probably been easier, I mean it. I was lucky in the sire department; Dana, who owned Pennywise, gave me unlimited breedings to him, as I had helped her breed Pennywise into the game successfully in the first place. However, finding a dam was harder.
For one, one of the mutations needed to create Alastor in the game was "Extended Fawn Rayé", a gene that gave a Boucle foal deer-like features, such as antlers, a deer tail, etc. However, as Extended Fawn Rayé was a limited-edition Christmas mutation, I had to find a mare with the gene who I could breed to Pennywise to combine it with Corrupted. I eventually got two breedings to Tropdetache, a mare with the Extended Fawn Rayé gene, as well as "Sabertooth Félin", an additional gene that could give a foal sabretooth cat-like fangs.
All in all, it took months to organize, plan, and roll the breeding. A few months after the pilot episode aired in October 2019, I finally sent in the breeding between Pennywise and Tropdetache in January 2020. Why January 2020? Well, you had to breed during the month of January in order to get a red birthstone for the foal. Since I just had two breedings to Tropdetache, I had to hope and pray that the randomized roller gave me the genes that I needed to breed Alastor.
There were low odds of success, but the breeding, much to my surprise, worked...mostly. The breeding rolled in the 50% range for "success" (i.e. produced a foal), and I rolled an amazing 50% "success" for each of these genes: "Vampire (1) Noir Merle (2) Winternight Nuage (3) Jeté (4) Féerie (5) Haunted Joker (6) Plumes (7) Extended Fawn Rayé (8) Sabretooth Félin (9)". That's nine genes in total, with about a 50% success roll on each (1 in 512 probability).
There was just one big, glaring problem: The foal didn't inherit the Corrupted gene from Pennywise (25% odds, so lower than 50%), which was one of the main points of the breeding to begin with. However, I was able to find a loophole: By bestowing an Ancient's Blessing of Blood on the foal through another in-game reward, I could have the foal mimic Corrupted, without it actually being Corrupted. Thus, "Alastor the Boucle Unicorn" was born in the game.
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Note that some genes were technically "Christmas", but because the foal also inherited Vampire and the Ancients' Blessing of Blood, I could "twist" the Christmas genes to be more Halloween-ish. For example, "Winternight Nuage" became a blood moon here instead.
From October 2019 to September 2020, when Alastor was finally bred, designed, and referenced, the entire process took about a year. Dana and I spent another few years levelling up Alastor in the game.
Boucle Alastor's magical abilities, which had to be earned in-game, with Alastor being a disciple of Sanguis, the Deity of Blood:
Fire Magic (ability to produce and control fire, from god Ignis)
Blood Magic (ability to control blood, from god Sanguis)
Dark Magic (power over shadows and darkness, from god Nox)
Electricity Magic (ability to control electricity, from god Fulmen)
Time Magic (ability to control time and flow, from god Tempus)
Telepathy Magic (ability to read minds, from god Animo)
Creator Magic (ability to create objects, from god Aedifex)
Official group description for Sanguis:
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Not only did Boucle Alastor become even more overpowered than canon Alastor ended up, but Boucle Alastor became a god himself. A lesser one, to be sure, but still a powerful being blessed by the gods.
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In turn, Alastor also created his own slew of offspring, including the lovely Anenome, designed by the artist Memuii, also blood-themed:
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Eventually, since Dana and I both ship Charlie/Alastor (Charlastor), I was able to breed a mate for Alastor in the game: "Princess of Hell". Ironically, Boucle Charlie did inherit the Corrupted gene from her father, so you have a Blessed Boucle, favored by the higher gods, paired with a Corrupted Boucle, with the gods hating Corrupteds.
There is another small irony: Charlie is taller than Alastor, officially speaking, per the randomized official rolls. Alastor is 16 hands high at the shoulder, whereas Charlie is 17-18 hands high, more like Lilith.
I'll edit or reply to this post later with Dana's art of Boucle Charlie.
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nameofamoon · 1 year ago
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Day 2 | Herbs #melotober2023 Featuring Kirrahe Khorr
Not feeling like lining my sketches lately, please excuse the weird line texture ^^'  I don't feel like there's need to say much about this, except maybe that Kirra is waayyy easier to draw like this instead of as her Boucle Unicorn version (those wings were always killing me ><).
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dotstronaut · 4 years ago
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I did this as a payment for something that probably wasn't worth the effort I put in, but I really like what I did with it and want it to be appreciated more.
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xialthia · 3 years ago
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Beef escorts a maiden
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sometimesthereishorse · 2 years ago
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01/03 - 2023 🦄 Horse: B599 Haytham Scavenger
*Private Art
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chicken-blitz13 · 3 years ago
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knitmoregirls · 5 years ago
Enthusiastic, Agressive Extrovert - Episode 566 - The Knitmore Girls
This week's episode is sponsored by:
            Carry your creativity with Erin Lane Bags! Whether you show your fiber fandom with the woolly wonder Sheepleverse, or dive into history with the Curiosities collection, our project bags, totes, and hook and needle organizers are at the ready to keep your hobby happy.
  Go to HelloFresh.com/knitmore10 and use code knitmore10 for 10 free meals including free shipping.
    We all have it, we all snicker about it.
Fun Fur.
Whether it’s eyelash, boucle, or just generally furry, it’s hard to find projects for novelty yarn.
With a sweet face, spiraling horns, and delightfully rotund body, Friendsheep by Cate Carter-Evans lets you transform your novelty and textured yarns into sweet, fleecy little friends. Pattern available on Ravelry; more info at infinitetwist.com
  Have you ever had to frog because you forgot a step several rows back? Or lost your spot because you dropped your magnet board or lost track with your highlighter tape? Instead of wrestling with paper, use the knitCompanion app. It keeps you on track so you can knit more and frog less. knitCompanion works with ALL your patterns and is available for apple, android and kindle fire devices.
      Books plus knitting plus happy memories. That’s Little Skein in the Big Wool. We make kits, yarn and project bags that bring your favorite stories to life. Find *your* favorite story at littleskein.com
  LoLo Body Care, formally Bar-Maids, creates exceptional moisturizers hand-poured by staff who add a good dose of heartfelt love to each one. Most all their supplies are made in the US, and their beeswax sourced from a local farm. Besides quality, the value of their product lies in that they last a very long time and are loved to the very last bit. They built their brand on being eco-friendly and their new packaging rocks. Their customers and customer service are rare and treasured jewels.
      On the Needles:(0:40)
Jasmin is feeling amazing and is on a finishing kick. She has dug out the orchid colored Cabled Raglan by Cheryl Oberle from the box of UFOs and is working on the sleeves.
Gigi finished her Drea’s shawl in Oink Pigments. White and "Zoot Soot" stripes, accent border in
"MommyDearest" . 
  Jasmin finished Genevieve’s Christmas Sweater (Oliver Sweater) out of Onyx Fiber Arts DK.
  Gigi worked on the Wee Envelope sweaters; the knitting is done for the pink one, two bright green ones
are done, enough yarn left for matching hats
  Jasmin finished a test knit hat for Julie from Oink Pigments (Urchin hat) in LazerSheep Sheepicorn. 
  For hearts and hands: on Christmas, Gigi started an orange Joji Locatelli wrap sweater; then she
started a yellow one, then set up a couple of more wrap sweaters, navy pink, hot pink and grey.
   Jasmin finished the Jedi cardigan and Yoda hat for Genevieve’s teacher’s baby. 
  Gigi is working on a pair of Vanilla is the new black socks out of Patons Kroy 
  Jasmin finished her Tundra Pullover by The Petite Knitter in A Verb for Keeping Warm “horizon”. 
  Jasmin finished her test knit for KnitBoop’s Namu Sweater in 2005 Tess Yarns superwash merino. 
  Jasmin is finishing her cabled raglan tunic (by Cheryl Oberle) in 2005 malabrigo worsted in Orchid
Gigi worked on her pair of Wee Envelope sweaters; the knitting is done for the pink one, two bright green
ones are done, she has  enough yarn left for matching hats
For hearts and hands: on Christmas, Gigi started an orange Joji Locatelli wrap sweater; she  then
started a yellow one, and set up a couple of more wrap sweaters: navy, pink, hot pink and grey.
She set up an index cards with measurements.
  Gigi is working on a pair of Vanilla is the new Black socks in Patons Kroy
  Events: (18:12)
We hosted The Backstage Knitting Podcast and Dr Gemma
Jasmin met Vanessa Smith of Vanessa Smith Designs . We mention Lady Dye Designs. 
KTB38 on Instagram. 
Jasmin mentions Jacqueline Cieslak came up with a pattern for wool knickers, and she
will teach a class at A Verb For Keeping Warm
We attended a wedding in the Oink Pigments booth (#hitchedatstitches)
-#MyRhineBIPOCSweater GOT a new, catchy hashtag!  #myBIPOCfestsweater
- True North Hearts and Hands donations:
Stitches West recap
  Jasmin mentions Denise Bayron 
Specialties, DoorDash and the Shibaguyz
  In Stitches (39:01)
Jasmin wore her Sprig pullover, Tundra Pullover, Namu Pullover, Dissent Cardigan,
Chevron Shenanigans (#SemiFinishedSunday)
Gigi: Poza, Newsprint Cowl
Genevieve: Coronation cardigan
Mother Knows Best:(41:37)
When you’re taking a break, really take a break. 
Georgia Hardstark and Karen Kilgariff host the My Favorite Murder podcast
When Knitting Attacks: (49:34)
Gigi 's wrap sweaters attack. Challenging to fix mistakes in garter stitch.  Her infinity cowl also attacks.
  Straw into Gold:(53:10)
Kool-Aid dyeing and spinning at Preschool!
We mention Unicorn Power Scour
  And Sew On:(58:12)
Gigi’s sewing class at Cañada College:moulage is done. Sewed a sleeve from pattern drafted from
Check out this episode!
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nemorasenchantedeasl · 1 year ago
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Finally working on some HARPG refs again--this time is the first of a pair of very culty and anime-style twins--Akua!
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fallenbiscuit · 1 year ago
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Reference image I made for a member of the Bouclé Unicorn group on DA years ago. The character's name is Freya if I remember correctly ~
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draikinator · 2 years ago
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Redbubble | Youtube
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handmadebycatkin · 3 years ago
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First lot of hand dyed yarn completed! ☺️ This one is a cotton/nylon boucle yarn. The nylon thread doesn't take the dye, so there's a really cool effect of a white thread running throughout, plus if course the cool texture from the boucle style yarn. I can't believe how many colours have come through! I used just three base dyes so it's really fun to see so much variation 😍 Can't wait to start knitting with this!🧶 #hanks #yarnhank #dyed #dyedyarn #handdyed #handdyedyarn #handpainted #handpaintedyarn #science #forscience #experimentation #experiment #success #successful #successfromscratch #pastel #pastelaesthetic #unicorn #unicornyarn #pastelunicorn #pastelunicornio #handmadeyarn #handpaint #handmadecanberra #handmadeincanberra #handmadebycatkin #handmadeart #funwithyarn #funwithdye #finishedproject (at Ngunnawal Country) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbl1M2HpdWt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mouchkine-fanpage · 5 years ago
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Allez pour bien commencer le journée, un bon bol de boucles d'oreilles ! - to start the day well, a good bowl of earrings! #mouchkinejewelry #jewelry #earrings #popart #unicorn #bouclesdoreilles #pop #pink #rainbow #kitsch #fashionart #cereal #bijoux #jewels #earringsoftheday #glamour #blingbling #earringswag #fashionstore #trendy #trend #tendance #funfashion #girlspower #havefun #womanstyle #madeinfrance (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEL7bViqSut/?igshid=1ga82j6leotgr
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mykhedsvitlana · 8 years ago
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http://svitlanamykhed.com/Boucles-doreilles-Licorne #svitlanamykhed#licorne#ковбой#unicorn#braceletcheval#лошадь#единорог#хендмейд#bracelete#jewerly#jewerlyhandmade#licornes#braclete#серьги#galop#horse#horses#мустанг#mustang#mustangs#❤️#👍#😁#horselife#horselove#cowboys
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